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        Look After your Mental Health
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  While self-isolating or social distancing because of coronavirus (COVID-19), it is vital to look after your mental health. Here are some useful tips that may help.
Stay Connected
Make sure you stay connected with your friends or family by either by phone or video calls. It can help to lift not only your mood but that of others. Why not use the time to re-connect with someone you’ve not spoken to in a while? Surprise someone and help make their day.
Take a Time-Out
Take a break from your social media and the news. We know it’s tempting to stay on top of the news but it can be damaging to your mental health. Try to limit how often you check and make sure you’re checking genuine news sources.
Another tip for social is to have a clear out. Make sure you’re not focusing accounts which affect your mood and unfollow the ones which cause you offence or anger.
Develop a Routine
Make sure you’re following a routine each day. Its easy to stay in your PJs and watch Netflix all day but you’ll soon feel the effects. Divide your day up into work (if you’re working at home) rest, housework, exercise, meals, hobbies, etc. Do the same for kids and test it out. You’ll feel so much better.
We also recommend setting small goals for the week. It could be as simple as clearing out that cupboard you’ve been meaning to get around to or tidying up the garden. You’ll feel great after achieving your tasks.
Stay Active
When establishing your routine, we want you to include some sort of physical activity. It could be something outside such as riding a bike, going a walk or a run. Perhaps you prefer a class and we’ve got loads of support at our #stayhomestayactive section here.
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It is the principle channel to reach all target audiences. All other communication channels lead the audience to the website which hold all data and information available.
We keep the content current and fresh! It’s also an effective channel to reiterate public health messages, provide ideas to keep the kids entertained, recipes, promote health and wellbeing topics and how to access support for your active journey!
   To ensure awareness and high visibility we created a dedicated COVID-19 Portal.
KA Leisure COVID-19 Communication Framework

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