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P. 29

  Campaign Phases
Phase 1:
Pre-Opening — Open Day
During the last few days and weeks of closure, the campaign was launched launched with initial messages around “We’re making the Comeback” and “Stay Safe & Comeback”. The key was creating a communications plan for the various possible scenarios that we would face throughout phases 1-4.
Phase 2:
Opening and Existing Customer Re-activation – “Make the Comeback”
Priority from day one of opening was encouraging our previous customers, who were active when we closed, safely back into the facilities. Before any new customer acquisition programmes would start we will inevitably be focused on operating within new guidelines and restrictions.
Capacity is regularly reviewed to decide when to activate phases 3 and 4.
Phase 3:
Ex-Member Acquisition - “Comeback to Us”
Once we’ve gauged capacity, we then encouraged previous customers back into our facilities. These will be those members of the public who have had some previous contact or cancelled their direct debit. We used National Fitness week as a focus for this phase.
Phase 4:
New Member Acquisition – “Comeback for Your Health”
The final phase is to start a new customer acquisition programme and promote the facilities to brand new customers.
       KA Leisure COVID-19 Communication Framework

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