
KA Leisure and North Ayrshire Council Working Together to Deliver a Safe Comeback

We hope you are all well and keeping safe.

We are pleased to confirm that in partnership with North Ayrshire Council, preparations are underway to resume ice activity at Auchenharvie Leisure Centre ice rink in January 2021.

As a result, fitness activities within the centre will be temporarily unavailable between 12 noon and 5pm on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th  December. We’d like to take this opportunity to apologise for the disruption and thank customers for their patience and continued support during these challenging times.

As you will be aware certain activities remain suspended during the current restrictions with North Ayrshire’s inclusion in Tier 3, this includes our group exercise class programme, however,  Elevate Online is here to support you with more information available at https://kaleisure.com/fitness/ka-at-home/ Fitness activities will continue to be available at the Portal and Vikingar!

We will continue to keep  you up to date with developments including our exciting new programme of fitness classes and physical activity on referral programme at Ardrossan Civic Centre in the New Year!  

Meantime, if you could spare 5 mins, we would love to hear your views to help us shape the future of sport and leisure in North Ayrshire! Simply visit https://bit.ly/3ocYhHf and complete the short survey.

Remember you can sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest news, events and promotions from KA Leisure including our plans for reopening venues and restarting activities.  Please click here to register.

You can also see the latest announcements on our website at https://kaleisure.com/,  follow us on Twitter @KALeisure or search for us on Facebook “KA Leisure”.

If you have any further questions please get in touch by visiting https://kaleisure.com/talk-to-us/