Our Community Sport Programme not only has activities for kids but also for adults too. We want to encourage healthy habits all throughout life. As a result of this, we have recently included adult sports classes as part of many of the KA Leisure memberships. Previously they cost £2.50 per session but now if you have a membership they are free of charge! We hope this change will encourage new and old members to consider participating in sports.

View the range of membership choices here: Memberships – KA Leisure

In this blog, we will outline some of the benefits of participating in sports as an adult. Just because you aren’t a child anymore doesn’t mean your love of sport has to stop!

Physical benefits of recreational sports

We all know that exercise is important to our overall health. Participating in sports even just once a week when you would be watching tv can have a great impact on your health. However, we should all aim to exercise every single day.

Exercise will “help you feel more energized, lower your blood pressure, and strengthen your bones and muscles.” (Benefits of Recreational Sports on Adults – Blast Motion)

An article by Sol Vibrations has compiled a full list of physical benefits but to quote a few ” physical activity aids in reducing the risk of developing type-2 diabetes. It can also help to manage weight since it can burn excess calories.” It also states that “Your blood circulation will be better when you play sports. This supports the proper circulation of essential nutrients all over the body. ” Finally that “When a person plays sports, the rate at which your white blood cells reach every part of the body increases significantly. Playing sports helps increase sweat production and also removes toxins from the body. Also, this helps your body stay healthy” To read the full article visit: (18 Health Benefits Of Sports For Adults And Children (solvibrations.org))

Mental Benefits

The Blast Motion article states that “playing a sport as part of a team – whether just for fun or on a competitive level – can do wonders for one’s mental health and self-esteem.” If you have been struggling with your mental health playing sports in a team or club setting can really help.

Also, the motivation that comes when you feel obligated to show up and be part of a team. Having a scheduled practice, it says, is also good for simply getting people out of the house and being social, which can be a struggle if a person is susceptible to depression, isolating behaviour, or loneliness.

Social Benefits

As well as physical and mental health benefits, recreational sports can help with the social aspect of people’s life. As mentioned before, if you are feeling lonely or isolated participating in sports is a great way to meet new people. It can also be great for our self-esteem and confidence. If you feel like you’re in a rut changing up your routine can be really beneficial in ensuring we feel motivated to be fit and achieve our goals in all aspects of life.

Although going to a new class, or even the gym, can be daunting we are sure you will see benefits in all of these areas.

View the range of adult and kids classes on the Community Sport programme: Community Sport Programme North Ayrshire | KA Leisure