On-site and online fitness classes
Elevate Online – On demand classes are available in the KA Leisure. Simply search KA Leisure in the Apple and Google app stores.

KA Leisure is now an affiliate Hyrox training venue! We will be providing specialised classes and programs that will prepare you for the high-intensity Hyrox races. Our expert trainers will guide you through each stage, ensuring you build the strength, endurance, and agility needed to excel.

F.I.T Round My Baby
A postnatal workout class where mums can bond with their baby while exercising. Led by a personal trainer and postnatal specialist, this full-body, low-impact workout adapts to all fitness levels and can be done while holding your baby.
Fitness Class FAQ’s
What kind of classes do you have available?
A description of all our available classes can be found here.
I am a complete beginner and have never exercised before. Do you have any classes to suit me?
The gentlest of all classes we have on offer is Aqua-fit and most beginners are able to gain some benefits from attending. If you are not keen on exercising in the water, then you could try any of the following classes and take things at your own pace:
- Over 50s Keep Fit (you don’t have to be over 50 to participate)
- Pilates
- Yoga.
What clothing should I wear?
Some high intensity classes like Body Combat, Body Pump, Metafit etc. will make you sweat, so a t-shirt and shorts may be most suitable. Many females prefer a sports top and leggings. We always recommend clothing which you are comfortable in. Some people like to wear additional top and jogging trousers as they warm up, and for some classes, this can be suitable attire for the duration. Footwear should be well fitting and comfortable – preferably training shoes. Outdoor shoes will not be allowed.
Do you provide water for participants?
Participants are encouraged to bring water into the class with them, but it must be in a sealed container with a secure lid.
Do you provide all necessary equipment or is there anything I need to bring along?
We provide all equipment necessary during classes e.g., weights/dumbbells for Body Pump, benches/steps for Circuits/Step Aerobics, mats/resistance bands for Yoga/Pilates etc. If customers prefer to bring their own mats etc. for hygiene reasons, then we are more than happy with this. However, we do not allow customers to bring in their own weights, dumbbells, kettlebells etc.
Do classes have to be booked in advance?
Many of our classes are very busy and at full capacity so we recommend booking in advance to ensure your space is reserved. Members can book 7 days in advance; non-members can book 6 days in advance.
Are the classes open to both male and female participants?
Yes, all classes are open to male and female participants.
I'm under 16, are there any classes that I can attend?
The British Wheel Of Yoga, which is the governing body for Yoga in the UK, encourage all ages to participate in this discipline. Therefore we allow secondary school pupils (age 12/13 minimum) to attend Yoga on their own. If children under this age wish to attend, then they must be under the supervision of a responsible adult and have cleared it first with the instructor. All other classes are aimed at the adult market and may possibly be unsuitable for under 16s.
As young adults should be encouraged to participate in physical activity, we provide the Elevate Academy in our Fitness Suites where they can learn about the importance of exercise, heart rate, training zones, C.V. and resistance training, flexibility and much more. This is done in a controlled environment where they are monitored closely by an instructor and a safer alternative to a high intensity, adult class.
Am I able to attend classes while I'm pregnant?
The more active and fit you are during your pregnancy, the easier it will be for you to adapt to your changing shape and weight gain. It will also help you to cope with labour and get back into shape after the birth. We recommend you contact your maternity team and inform them that you’d like to participate in exercise during your pregnancy.
If you were active and fit before becoming pregnant there is no reason why you shouldn’t keep up your normal daily physical activity or exercise for as long as you feel comfortable. Exercise is not dangerous for your baby – there is some evidence that active women are less likely to experience problems in later pregnancy and labour. Don’t exhaust yourself. You may need to slow down as your pregnancy progresses or if your maternity team advises you to. As a general rule, you should be able to hold a conversation as you exercise when pregnant. If you become breathless as you talk, then you’re probably exercising too strenuously.
If you weren’t active before you became pregnant, don’t suddenly take up strenuous exercise. If you start an aerobic exercise programme (such as running, swimming, cycling, walking or aerobics classes), tell the instructor that you’re pregnant.
Remember that exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to be beneficial. Further information can be found by clicking here.
I do not have a membership with KA Leisure. Can I still attend classes?
Yes. Our classes are open to anyone aged 16 and over. We do recommend a membership if you intend coming along on a regular basis as this will save you money and offer advanced booking privileges over non-members.
How much does it cost to attend classes?
There are various prices depending on which class you are attending. Click here to view all our prices.
Welcome to the Elevate Series…
The Elevate Series has been designed to help you achieve the results you want, faster. Elevate is aimed at rediscovering your body’s natural movements through a series of 4 areas; Core, Strength, Perform and Renew.
Each series aims to elevate your fitness levels through a range of movements from pushing, pulling, bending, twisting, lunging and squatting – we want to build a better you! These classes are designed to be shorter, focused classes, allowing you to increase your fitness over a shorter period of time.
Speak to your instructor to include these exciting classes in your programme and book online today.
Life Gets Better with Movement, now move…
Core will focus on strengthen, sculpting and developing your core muscles, essential for posture, technique and overall performance. Think you can only work your core on the floor, think again! You will discover the muscles and movements required to create a strong core, providing you with a solid foundation to build your personal fitness.
Strength is all about improving and protecting your muscles, bones and joints! Working on major muscle groups, you will use a range of exciting equipment ready to make your body fit for anything! Focus on strengthen your upper and lower body by combining resistance and body weight exercises in order to achieve a stronger, leaner you.
You will need to prove you have what it takes to withstand an energy-sapping, full body workout using a range of functional kit! Be pushed to your limits with this high intensity class in order to achieve maximal and desired results. You may want to bring a towel! Don’t forgot to recover with RENEW.
We know that exercising can be tough on the body and mind, that’s why we have created RENEW. This small class aims to improve flexibility, function, performance and reduce injuries. It will use form rollers and a range of stretching techniques to have you ready for the next challenge. Maximise your recovery and add RENEW to your fitness programme today! You won’t be disappointed!