Read on to learn more of our tips on how to improve your sleep!
Say no to phones
Avoid using your phone straight before bed, perhaps opt for some music, a book or an audiobook. The blue light on phones has been known to keep us awake. Reading a book can help us feel more sleepy by helping us feel more relaxed and our brains being active and distracted.
Bedtime routine
Have a bedtime routine to help wind down. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. If you have school or work it can be easy to think you have your routine perfected but if you struggle to sleep at night maybe you should consider trying to wind down earlier. Exercise in the morning or earlier in the evening instead of close to your bedtime to help yourself feel tired.
Cut out caffeine
Try to cut out caffeine or reduce your intake especially close to bedtime. This includes coffee, energy juice and even tea. I’m sure everyone is aware that caffeine is a big no-no at bedtime but did you know that tea can also be a culprit in your sleep struggles. Switch to caffeine-free tea before bed or opt for a calming camomile option or sleepy tea.
Don’t toss and turn
If you don’t get to sleep after half an hour, get up and do something else before returning to your bed when you’re truly tired. Tossing and turning can sometimes do more harm than good. Read another chapter of your book, do some light housework or do some gentle stretching and then try again.
Exercise earlier
As mentioned previously try to avoid exercise too close to when you wish to sleep. Although exercise is important and can help your sleeping overall, exercising too close to bedtime keeps you awake due to the endorphins and adrenaline being created in the body during physical activity. Exercising when you first get up is a better alternative. We have a range of early morning classes that you could consider attending before heading to work. View the early morning classes here: Fitness Timetables – KA Leisure
No napping
If you take regular naps this may make sleeping at night harder. Try to stop taking naps in the afternoon and instead opt for an early night.
Change positions
Try a different sleeping position. If you tend to sleep on your front it may be worth experimenting with sleeping on your side or back. Sleeping on your stomach can cause back and or neck pain which may make it harder to sleep in this position.
Tidy room tidy mind
Make your bedroom a relaxing environment. Avoid reminders of work or any daily distractions near your bed to help relax your mind.