We have compiled a list of 8 tips on how to stay motivated with being active and how to keep your exercise consistent

#1 Set yourself goals!

No matter how big or small, you should try setting yourself a list of goals to try to work towards. Try making a list on your phone or even writing them down and put them up on the fridge so you can look at them all the time.

#2 Understand where you are now

Acknowledging your abilities and where you are now is important to help you keep motivated on where you would like to be. As mentioned above, acknowledging where you are now will help you set realistic goals.

#3 Try to have fun

Being active doesn’t need to be boring! Why not attend a class or work out to some of your favourite songs? Try to have fun while you work out.

#4 Be social

Ask friends or family to join you. You don’t have to do it alone. If you can’t persuade any of your friends to come along, try and engage with fellow class takers or ask members of staff to help you.

#5 Hold yourself accountable

It’s all very well and good setting yourself these goals but if you don’t hold yourself accountable why will you ever feel the need to actually work towards them. You could limit screen time to only come on after certain hours in the day to encourage you to work out. Apply aeroplane mode so as not to be disturbed. Or if you don’t do your daily exercise don’t allow yourself to have a treat.

#6 Rewards

As touched upon in the last tip, rewarding yourself for achievements no matter how big or small is a great way to stay motivated. Celebrate your success on social media and be sure to tag @KALeisure, or give yourself a treat or gold star. Whatever works for you!

#7 Keep a note of your progress

You will want to see how far you have come, so try to document as often as you can. Perhaps take a photo every week or every month to record all your hard work.

#8 Mix it up

You don’t have to do the same exercise every time. You could try mixing it up and explore other options. Attend a new class or go for a walk. Being active doesn’t always have to mean attending the gym. KA Leisure has a range of different options that may be suitable for you. Visit: Fitness Timetables – KA Leisure to view the range of classes available.

We hope you’ll consider trying some of our tips on staying motivated. Don’t give up your fitness journey and keep at it.