Cancel Your Membership

Elevate/Inspire/Learn to Swim

We are sorry to hear that you wish to cancel your membership or subscription.

You have the right to cancel your membership within 14 days of joining (14-day cooling-off period). We will give you a full refund as long as we receive your cancellation notice within this time. You can change your membership category at any time. If doing this means that the price of your membership increases, the new price will apply straight away. If the change means that your membership price reduces, the reduction will take effect from the next full calendar month.

Please note the following terms and conditions

LTS /Inspire T&Cs 

You can cancel your membership by giving us one full calendar month’s notice using the ‘cancel my membership’ page at the bottom of our website or emailing We will send you a confirmation, using your chosen method of communication once we have processed your request to cancel your membership. You are responsible for keeping your contact details up to date to ensure you receive our cancellation confirmation. Here is an example of how our notice period works.

 You give the notice to cancel (or suspend) your membership contract on any day after 1 April, but your full calendar month’s notice period will not start until 1 May and your membership will end on 31 May (your final payment will be for the month of May).

 If you still wish to cancel please complete the cancellation request form or write to Head Office, 22 Quarry Road, Irvine, KA12 0TH.

From 18th October 2022 all new Inspire Members will commit for an initial minimum 3 month period.  Beyond this, should your circumstances ever change you will be able to give one months notice in writing.

Membership Ts & Cs

You can cancel your membership by giving us one full calendar month’s notice by contacting We will send you a confirmation, using your chosen method of communication, once we have processed your request to cancel your membership. You are responsible for keeping your contact details up to date to ensure you receive our cancellation confirmation. Here is an example of how our notice period works.

 You give the notice to cancel (or suspend) your membership contract on any day after 1 April, but your full calendar month’s notice period will not start until 1 May and your membership will end on 31 May (your final payment will be for the month of May).

From 18th October 2022 all new Members will commit for an initial minimum 3 month period.  Beyond this, should your circumstances ever change you will be able to give one months notice in writing.