Community Sport Hubs

Community Sport Hubs

Community Sport Hubs provide a home for sport

They bring together sport clubs and key local partners who want to develop and grow the sporting offering in the community.

They focus on sustainable, community-led approaches that get clubs working together to develop welcoming, safe and fun environments for sport.

A community sport hub is focused on the clubs around a sport centre, community centre, school, park or a playing field pavilion. In some cases a community sport hub combines a number of these places, or it may simply centre on a single-venue hosting many clubs. The ‘hub’ is essentially a collective of progressive sport clubs working together in a local community.

Download Our Community Sport Hub Information Brochure


St Matthews, West Kilbride, Largs CSH

Contact: Paul Todman
Telephone Number: 01294 315167

Greenwood, Kilwinning and Garnock Valley CSH

Contact: Scott Robertson
Telephone Number: 07881 510134

Join your local Community Sport Hub

Application Form Available  – or Scan QR code below

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