Weight Management
Would you like to lose weight?
Need more support?
Not sure where to start?
Healthy weight
Our weight is determined by the amount of energy (calories) we take in from food and drinks, including alcohol, and the amount of energy we use during daily living and physical activity. In simple terms, obesity results when we take in more calories than we use up over a prolonged period of time.
Obesity is commonly measured using Body Mass Index (BMI).
The World Health Organisation classifies BMI in adults as:
What is your BMI?
Click here to calculate your BMI
- Being overweight or obese can lead to serious health problems and can increase a person’s chance of having:
- type 2 diabetes
- heart disease
- some types of cancer
- stroke
- muscle and joint problems
- poorer mental health and wellbeing
Preventing/managing obesity
By eating a healthy diet and taking part in regular physical activity you can maintain a healthy weight and reduce the likelihood of becoming overweight or obese.
We are here to support you….
Weigh To Go
If you are over 16 years of age and have a body mass index (BMI) over 26 our Weigh To Go programme is for you. Weigh To Go is a 12 week programme of different topics delivered e.g. food labelling, physical activity, portion control and many more.
Weigh to go will cost £36.00 for the 12 sessions, payments must be made prior to starting the programme. Weigh To Go is delivered in group sessions consisting of 45 minutes of education and 30-45 minutes of physical activity. You will receive a Weigh To Go manual and a food and activity diary to aid you on your weight loss journey. We will agree on small achievable goals to fit in with your lifestyle to help you make lifelong sustainable changes to your eating and exercise habits.
You will be encouraged to take part in exercise sessions to further help you on your weight loss journey and will have regular weigh-ins to monitor your progress.

Group Sessions
For more information or to book please call 01294 270796 or email activelifestyles@kaleisure.com