Outdoor Sport and Recreation

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Outdoor Sport and Recreation

Outdoor Sport and Recreation brings people together. Exercise outdoors is good for your physical and Mental Health.

Walking Football 

Walking football has become increasingly popular. It’s exactly what it sounds like – a standard game of football where players walk instead of run. It’s designed to help people get fit or maintain an active lifestyle no matter what their age and fitness, as well as support people getting back into football if they have given it up due to age or injury. 

Older people who play have seen many benefits: lower heart rate and blood pressure, less fat and more muscle, and better mobility. 

And it’s not just health benefits – walking football also offers social benefits. Participants can meet new people, avoid becoming isolated, and interact with individuals and small groups. 

This is one sporting activity that is suitable for all.

Monday 4-5pm and Thursday 10-11am, The circuit outdoor pitch

Wednesday 12-1pm, Inverclyde Sports Complex 


For Further Information contact  Craig Hamilton – Senior Community Sport Officer (Football) Mob: 07909 752561 Tel: 01294 315164 Email: CHamilton@kaleisure.com

Adapted Golf at Auchenharvie Golf Course

Tuesdays 1pm

Wheelchair accessible and dementia friendly

Golf is an ageless game with multiple health benefits. Adapted Golf is suitable for anyone interested in trying golf for the first time but may need some extra support to allow them to participate. The sessions will be initially held on the driving range and as techniques develop, they will move on to the course. These sessions are suitable for all ability levels and delivered by a qualified golf coach.

Cost £5.00 per session Maximum numbers at any one time are 5 (Carer or family member can go free). To Book or for further information contact 01294 603103.