
F.I.T Round My Baby

We wanted to provide a class where mums could bring their babies along without having to find a babysitter. You can nip to the gym for an hour without needing to worry. Fit Round My Baby is first and foremost a fitness class, and how involved your babies are is up to you. You can leave your baby safely sleeping in their prams, have them playing on the mats near you or they can use the mats and tummy time pillows provided. It’s completely up to yourself – whatever makes you feel comfortable and keeps your baby settled.

As these sessions are held in the Dance Studio we will aim to remove any risks where possible, however, we do ask that you keep an eye on your child if they begin to crawl off.

The class will last approx. 45 minutes and will include upper body, lower body, glutes, cardio and core. The class is as intense as you want to make it and plenty of adaptions and progressions are given throughout. Included within your class is a free coffee, your instructor will give you a card to redeem this.

Program Summary:

  • Bonding Time: Enables parents to bond with their baby while engaging in a healthy activity. 
  • Inclusive Family Fitness: A safe and friendly environment created so mums can workout and not have to worry about finding a babysitter. 
  • Postnatal Recovery: Tailored exercises can aid in postnatal recovery, focusing on core strength and overall fitness. 
  • Social Connection and community: Facilitates social interactions among parents, fostering a supportive community within the gym. 
  • Stress Reduction: Physical activity can help reduce postnatal stress and boost mood and holistic wellness for both parent and baby. 
  • Modelling Healthy Habits: Sets a positive example for the child by incorporating fitness into the family routine. 
  • Convenience: Allows parents to combine childcare and personal fitness, making it easier to prioritise health

Course details

Venue: The Portal 

Capacity: 24 (12 Adults / 12 Children)

New 4 week block starting Thursday 31st October

  • Cost: £26.80 per Adult and 1 Child for a block of 4 weeks or £18 for members
  • Included within the 4 weeks is one 45-minute class per week with baby and a free coffee at the end of the class located within the Portal Café
  • Suitable for children from 6 weeks – Crawling

Venue: Auchenharvie

Capacity: 24 (12 Adults / 12 Children)

New 4 week block starting Wednesday 30th October

  • Cost: £26.80 per Adult and 1 Child for a block of 4 weeks or £18 for members
  • Included within the 4 weeks is one 45-minute class per week with baby
  • Suitable for children from 6 weeks – Crawling


“It was nice to be able to exercise and still have the baby with me”

“Laid back friendly class and the coffee afterwards was a good chance to get to know other mums.”

“The set up is good for the babies and mums. The toys supplied are helpful to distract the babies and keep them amused. I liked the options to include my baby in some of the exercises. I went to a Pilates class before which was mum and baby and found I just missed a lot of the class because there wasn’t really anything to distract him.”

“I really enjoyed being able to work out again. After having my baby, I had no idea where to start, so this was great. I enjoyed that it was mostly body weight exercises & not much equipment was used. I felt in a safe space where nobody was judging each other.”

“I felt comfortable and able to check on my baby when needed. As I said in the class keeping to the one area was much easier to navigate looking after baby and continuing to work in the class.”

“I think the success of this type of class is down to the trainer making mums feel at ease about babies being unsettled and offering slight changes to exercises when babies need held etc. all of which Victoria was great at. I look forward to next week’s class.”