What is Hyrox?

Hyrox is a unique global fitness race designed for athletes of all levels, combining running and functional workout stations. Participants run 1km, followed by 1 functional workout station, repeated eight times!

These workouts include a variety of exercises such as rowing, sled push, sled pull, burpee broad jumps, farmer’s carry, sandbag lunges, wall balls, and ski erg. 

Incorporating both running and functional exercises provides a well-rounded workout that engages all major muscle groups and maximizes cardiovascular endurance.

KA Leisure is now an affiliate Hyrox training venue! We will be providing specialised classes and programs that will prepare you for the high-intensity Hyrox races. Our expert trainers will guide you through each stage, ensuring you build the strength, endurance, and agility needed to excel.

Tier One – £100

  • One HYROX class per week (held at the Portal) – first come first served on classes based on individuals’ availability, the class you have asked for will remain the same until the week before race week. 
  • Phased training plan every 4 weeks (3 workouts per week, 4th being your Hyrox Specific Class)
  • Early Bird Tickets (48 hours in advance – please note this does not guarantee you a ticket)
  • Use of our training app

Tier Two – £30

  • Phased training plan every 4 weeks (3 workouts per week, 4th being your Hyrox Specific Workout)
  • Early Bird Tickets (48 hours in advance – please note this does not guarantee you a ticket)
  • Use of our training app

This is open to all members and our classes will be held within the gym functional area at the Portal.

Classes are available on Mondays 7am, Wednesdays 7am, Saturdays 1pm and Sundays 8.15am.
Register here. Closing date for Hyrox registration is the 13th of December at 3pm.

KA Leisure now has their hands on a 48-hour early bird access code! Anyone who has already registered and paid have been contacted.

For anyone else who still wishes to sign up and receive this 48-hour access code –  use the link below and be quick!

The event will run March 13th – March 16th tickets will open to the public on Wednesday at 12pm

Please note code will not be sent until payment has been received and the code does not guarantee you a ticket.

Hyrox Training Club registration will close Friday 13th