
We hope you and your family are well and enjoyed the recent great weather.

Following the latest Scottish Government update this week on the easing of restrictions, KA Leisure continue to work towards the re-opening of our facilities on a phased basis whilst continuing to work closely with North Ayrshire Council, industry bodies and our local and national partners to ensure all relevant safety measures and procedures are in place.
We are therefore pleased to announce the reopening of the following for indoor community use –

  • Greenwood Community Sport Hub (From Monday 23rd August)
  • St Matthews Community Sport (From Monday 30th August)

Existing indoor activity-based customers will be contacted from Monday 16th August to confirm their bookings. All other enquiries for bookings should be directed to customerservice@kaleisure.com from the 16th August.
We are working with local partners to ensure staffing and other operational processes are in place for the remaining facilities and will provide an update on these facilities when more information is available.
Please note that changing rooms and lockers are also available across all sites from Monday 9th August.  However, the showers for ice and fitness users at Auchenharvie are currently unavailable while we continue repairs to the heating system.  
Our teams will continue to monitor and ease the restrictions within venues over a phased basis to ensure the continued safety of customers and staff.
Once again we would like to thank all our customers for their patience and understanding.
Thank you