The people of Arran are being invited to play an active role in the future of the Brodick’s tennis courts.

KA Leisure wants to ensure that local residents are at the forefront of discussions about how the facility can best be used in the years to come.

Malcolm McPhail, Chief Executive of KA Leisure, said: “We are aware of the strong interest in the future of the tennis courts in Brodick.

“Therefore, we want to make sure the community is able make their voice heard and let us know how they would like to see the facility develop.

“While we have those discussions, we want to make it clear that the gates to the facility are open, and free for residents and community groups to use.

“The only stipulation is that any individual or group using the courts should ensure they keep them clean and litter-free.”

KA Leisure believes it is important that local residents have their say in the future use of the facilities.

In the coming months, KA Leisure will engage with Arran residents to hear their ideas about how they would like to see the facility developed to benefit the community and promote positive well-being. Further details on how to contribute to the discussion will be published in due course.