
As we move our Learn to Swim Programme onto our new Course Pro digital platform, we will be temporarily closing our swimming lesson waiting list applications for a short period of time. Please be aware we are still eager to accommodate all customers who are looking to get involved in swimming lessons and with several people currently on the waiting list it is important we give those existing customers priority as we make the change over. Customers who are currently on the waiting list will still be contacted when spaces become available.

We apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause in the short term but the move to our digital platform will allow for automated lists which should expediate the process of contacting customers as soon as a space becomes available. In addition to this our move to Course Pro will some exciting new features that allow each customer to track their child’s progress through their own learner portal as the swim.Thanks once again for your patience in this matter and we look forward to opening applications back up as soon as we can