Whether it’s a leisure ride around the local shops for essential food or medicine we have all the best tips and advice to get you going.
Cycling is a good way to stay active but remember to follow social distancing advice at all times, full details can be found on
If you have recently dusted off your bike then you may need a bit of basic maintenance advice to help you to get back on the road. This will teach you how to perform the M check and also repair any surprise punctures.
If you have a spin bike or turbo trainer then why not take part in one of our Evolve sessions. Evolve is our very own indoor cycling programme and we have lots for you try on our YouTube channel. An example of our one our sessions with instructor Erin is available below.
Further information/virtual rides/home workouts and fun resources for children can be found at
Cycling UK has information around Cycling and the safety of it during COVD-19
For further information and advice of being outdoors during the Covid 19 outbreak please visit