We hope you are all well and keeping safe. 

We are working closely with North Ayrshire Council, industry bodies and our local and national partners to ensure all relevant safety measures and procedures are in place to support a safe re-opening that adheres to Scottish Government guidelines.

We continue to work hard behind the scenes to prepare our facilities, activities and programmes for a continued phased re-opening from 26th April 2021. 

We want to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for their continued patience and support.  We will share further information when available. 

All our re-opening plans will remain subject to review following Scottish Government updates.

We would like to remind customers that the following activities continue:

We would encourage all customers to continue to keep up to date with national advice and arrangements as below:

Please note – you can sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest news, events and promotions from KA Leisure including our plans for reopening venues and restarting activities.  Please register by visiting https://kaleisure.com/signup/.

You can also see the latest announcements on our website at https://kaleisure.com/, follow us on Twitter @KALeisure or search for us on Facebook “KA Leisure”. Or if you would like to get in touch with us, please email info@kaleisure.com.

We would like to thank you again for your support and we hope you have an enjoyable Easter weekend.