On-site and online fitness classes
Elevate Online – group fitness and exercise sessions through our Elevate Online platform and MoveGB.
You can find out more and new customers can also register for a free 7-day trial by visiting https://kaleisure.com/fitness/elevateonline/
Welcome to the Elevate Series…
The Elevate Series has been designed to help you achieve the results you want, faster. Elevate is aimed at rediscovering your body’s natural movements through a series of 4 areas; Core, Strength, Perform and Renew.
Each series aims to elevate your fitness levels through a range of movements from pushing, pulling, bending, twisting, lunging and squatting – we want to build a better you! These classes are designed to be shorter, focused classes, allowing you to increase your fitness over a shorter period of time.
Speak to your instructor to include these exciting classes in your programme and book online today.
Life Gets Better with Movement, now move…
Are you up for the challenge to make your core as strong as steel? Then this class is for you! You will focus on strengthen, sculpting and developing your core muscles, essential for posture, technique and overall performance. Think you can only work your core on the floor, think again! You will discover the muscles and movements required to create a strong core, providing you with a solid foundation to build your personal fitness.
Strength is all about improving and protecting your muscles, bones and joints! Working on major muscle groups, you will use a range of exciting equipment ready to make your body fit for anything! Focus on strengthen your upper and lower body by combining resistance and body weight exercises in order to achieve a stronger, leaner you.
This class is not for the faint hearted! You will need to prove you have what it takes to withstand an energy-sapping, full body workout using a range of functional kit! Be pushed to your limits with this high intensity class in order to achieve maximal and desired results. You may want to bring a towel! Don’t forgot to recover with RENEW.
We know that exercising can be tough on the body and mind, that’s why we have created RENEW. This small class aims to improve flexibility, function, performance and reduce injuries. It will use form rollers and a range of stretching techniques to have you ready for the next challenge. Maximise your recovery and add RENEW to your fitness programme today! You won’t be disappointed!